Introduction: Disassemble BObi Pet's Front Wheel

About: Hi, I am bObi -the latest addition to the bObsweep family! My fiancé Bob and I, love to clean! We are obsessed with making your floors shiny and dust-free. Enjoy my instructables guides and feel free to come …

You can easily detach, take apart and re-assemble bObi Pet's front wheel if you ever would like to clean or replace it. All you need is a Phillips head screwdriver and this short guide.

Step 1: Remove the Wheel From BObi Pet

To separate the front wheel from bObi, grip the wheel firmly and pull up.

You may use a tool like a screwdriver for leverage.

Step 2: Remove the Smaller Wheel for Cleaning

You may remove and clean the smaller wheel on bObi Pet’s wheel piece. To detach it, grip firmly and pull.

Once again, you may use the screwdriver to do this is you so choose.

Step 3: Open the Front Wheel

Remove the 2 screws holding the wheel piece together, then pop the piece open.

Now you can clean the parts inside using bObi Pet's cleaning tool, or compressed air.

Step 4: Secure the Front Wheel

After cleaning the inside of the wheel piece, replace its outer casing and align its edges

Hold the wheel piece together while you reinstall the 2 screws.

Step 5: Replace the Wheel on BObi Pet

Replace the smaller wheel, before attaching it on bObi Pet.

Finally, place the front wheel back in its space on bObi Pet. Then push it down to lock the wheel in place.