Introduction: Diy FELT Hair Bands

Make these quick felt hair bands to match your little ones dress. They are quick and easy... they make affordable gifts and return favours too.

Step 1: Felt Sheets

Select your favorite colours to match your outfits. I prefer ironing them once. so they get rid of all the creases during handling... also I feel this makes the felt stiffer.

Step 2: Cut Flowers and Leaves

Cut leaves and flowers from the felt. You can cut them with scissors. I used my die cutting machine to fasten the process.

Step 3: Layer the Flowers and Stick

Once you have cut various flowers, layer them and stick them with hot glue to give a 3D appearance.

Step 4: Done!

Glue the flowers with hot glue to a plastic hair band. That's it you are done. Your beautiful hair bands are ready.