Introduction: Double Nose Glider

About: I'm kind of a random guy. I like to build(and modify) things that suit me.
Hello! This is my entry to the weekly contest, I hope you like it!

Let's get going!

1: The final product.
2: Some notepad paper. 8 1/2 x 11". Printer paper will also work, but the folded portion on the underside of the nose tends to split.
3: "Hot dog" fold.
4: Bring the top left corner to the bottom on the middle fold.
5: Bring the fold out.
6: Fold the right side now.
7: Unfold again.
8: Bring the bottom creases up so they stand up a bit.
9: Ok, take each side and bring the corners of each side to the bottom and fold down the middle.
10: Open up the middle and fold the part sticking up into the center.
11: Like so.
12: Grab the nose and bring it down until there is about 1mm of fold away from the edges on each side.
13: After that, fold the nose up about an inch.
14: Also, before you make the next folds; MAKE SURE that the edges don't go over that part where the nose is folded down.
15: Ok after that vital info, Make this fold.
16: Take the edge to about the middle. Just not exactly. Because you have to tuck it under the flaps.
17: Now you can tuck it.
18: Do the same for the other side.
19: Tucked!
20: Now we're on these.
21: Fold where the paper comes along.
22: Put it in.
23: Same for the other side.
24: Both tucked in nicely.
25: Flip the plane over.
26: Fold it in half.
27: Crease the wings along the bottom of the plane.
28: Like so.
29: Finished! Now go find a place to fly your new plane!