Introduction: Dragon Paintings

About: I am a painter of whimsical things and storybook creatures.
The most wonderful thing about painting dragons is there is no right or wrong way to do it. They can be fierce, playful, melancholy, happy or sleepy. They can be any color. There is no end to the things they can do or the adventures they can have. Because they are creatures of the imagination, they have no boundaries or limitations. 

My paintings are done with acrylic paint on canvas. I love working with acrylics because they are so forgivable and mistakes are easy to cover up. 

As with most paintings, the background is important for setting the mood and is easiest if painted first. Using lots of bright colors and avoiding mixing black into your palette is a good way to get a vibrant backdrop for your dragon. Once the background is dry, you can use white to outline the shape of your dragon and get it just right before you begin to add color and depth.