The Pier 9 Workshop is excited to share our full roster of Machine Training Curriculum on Instructables. Each class was developed over 5 years of hands-on collaboration with industry experts. We hope the knowledge we've gathered here will help any level of user be successful in a workshop. Even if you are not an Instructables member, free PDF downloads of all our machine manuals are available here.
The drill press is a stationary power drill used to create holes in wood and other hard materials…
Show moreThe Pier 9 Workshop is excited to share our full roster of Machine Training Curriculum on Instructables. Each class was developed over 5 years of hands-on collaboration with industry experts. We hope the knowledge we've gathered here will help any level of user be successful in a workshop. Even if you are not an Instructables member, free PDF downloads of all our machine manuals are available here.
The drill press is a stationary power drill used to create holes in wood and other hard materials. The drill press is especially useful when you need holes that are precise and accurately placed, and it is also a good tool for enlarging existing holes, countersinking and tapping.
This class is a part of a greater course series covering Wood Shop safety procedures and equipment. After taking all the classes in this course series, you will be able to safely use the power tools in the Wood Shop to dimension lumber, drill holes, shape wood and begin basic woodworking projects.
Check out the rest of the Basic Wood Shop classes:
Miter Saw Class