Introduction: Dual-Angle Laptop Stand

About: Thanks for stopping by! I'm Nir, a physics PhD student studying E. coli bacteria. On my free time I enjoy making all kinds of things - from laser cutting & 3D printing to baking, cooking and doing science expe…

Hi! In this instructable I'll show you how to make a quick & robust laptop stand. I designed it to fit alongside an external screen and a separate keyboard & mouse set, so that the laptop itself behaves as the secondary screen in a dual-screen setup.

This instructable may be the shortest one I've ever posted, and I hope you enjoy!

I hope you follow along and enjoy this project, and if you have any questions or comments, I'll be happy to reply!


Plywood of your favorite kind (I used a 40x40 cm^2 6mm poplar plywood) & a laser cutter.

Step 1: TLDR - One Minute Video

For those who prefer a quick video about the project, here's the whole thing in less than 60 seconds!

Step 2: Cut

Simply cut out the attached SVG drawing on your laser cutter. The file contains 2 side faces and 5 horizontal connectors.

I used an xTool D1 10W diode laser using these settings: power: 90%, 6.5 mm/sec, passes: 3, kerf: 0.09mm.

Step 3: Assemble

Insert the horizontal connectors into one of the side faces (1st & 2nd images).

Press the second side face into place (3rd image).

Step 4: Enjoy!

That's it :) Place your laptop in the dedicated slot on one of the sides of the laptop stand, and enjoy your new setup!

I hope this project inspires you to make something of your own! And if you end up making a laptop stand like this one, I'd love to see your version in the "I Made It" section below :) Also -

If you like my instructable and want to see more like it,

you're welcome to visit my collection of laser-cutting projects

And if you want to support my work (for free), visit my YouTube channel, see if you like what I've done so far, and consider subscribing! See you soon :)