Introduction: Duct Tape Bows
These are really cute bows you can put anywhere!
Step 1: What You Need
Duct tape
Step 2: Get Your Duct Tape
You. Need to get a piece of duct tale that is about 6 inches
Step 3: Folding
Turn it over then, take one end and fold it in half
Step 4: Edges
Since my edges don't look very nice I'm going to cut them off to have clean edges
Step 5: Fan Fold
Now that you have clean edges you are going to fold like you fold to make a fan
Step 6: Get Duct Tape
Now cut a tiny piece
Step 7: Wrap
Wrap the tiny piece of duct tape around the middle of the the fan folded bow
Step 8: Stretch
Stretch or pull the ends
Step 9: Finished
Your bow is finished! :)