Introduction: Duct Tape Dog Leash and Collar

I am homeschooled and for my art project today I decided I would make a leash and collar for our dogs.  We have 2 small dogs.  I wanted to take them for a walk.  This is how I made my first one.  

Step 1: Leash

I measured out 5 feet of green duct tape, then I folded it in half lengthwise.  

Then I added a clip from an old broken leash to my new leash and folded it over and taped it together.

Step 2: Handle

I covered an empty toilet paper tube with a printed duct tape and laced the leash through and taped it together.

Step 3: Collar

For the collar, I pulled off about 2 feet of duct tape and folded it in half lengthwise.  I then wrapped it around the dogs neck to check the length I needed.  I let it overlap a little and cut off the extra and taped it together.  I used the extra that I cut off to hold the connecting ring and taped both ends of it to the collar.

Step 4:

I learned doing this instructable that you must be very careful while working with duct tape.  If you don't fold it straight it is very difficult to fix.
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest