Introduction: Duct Tape Rose
The materials you need are
•duct tape any color
• pen that has a cap
•exacto knife or sissors
•duct tape any color
• pen that has a cap
•exacto knife or sissors
Step 1: Cutting the Squares
Measure and cut the duct tape 2 inches by 2 inches
Step 2: Folding the Petals
Fold the corner until it makes a L shape
Step 3: Folding the Petles Part 2
Fold one side of the sides till it makes a triangle with sticky at the bottom
Step 4: Putting on the Pen
Keep doing this until you like the size if the flower
Step 5: The Stem
Take 4 piecws of the folded duct tape and put them on the outside
Step 6: The Other Part of the Stem
And finally wrap the pen in duct tape