Introduction: Dungeon Game

I made a game where you have to escape a dungeon.


A computer.

Step 1:

Step 2:

  1. Click on this fullscreen button!

Step 3:

  1. Click the green flag in the top left corner

Step 4:

  1. Use the arrow keys to move. Press e to interact with things. Space to attack. Use the doors in all 4 directions to go to different rooms! Try going to the sign and pressing e!

Step 5:

Try to beat the game and get the highest score! Good Luck! Also, if you for some reason get stuck in a wall, press R

Step 6: Make Your Own

If you want to make this for yourself, you can make a coordinate grid. To make this you need to make a space x and space y variable. Then change the variables when you go through doors on the side. For the right door +1 space x… Next change the room based on the coordinates. Look at the player sprite for wall detection and movement.

Block Code Contest

Participated in the
Block Code Contest