Introduction: EASY MCPE Mansion

About: Hey Y'all. Thanks for checking my instructables out! :) Feel free to leave a comment, for any suggestions or what you think tHat I can do. I am into soccer, writing, penguins AND MATH. Bye!:-P
Hi guys! Welcome to my instructable, how to build an EASY peasy mansion. Well,it's not really a mansion, it just looks like one. It takes about 15-25 minutes to make depending on how fast you build. So what are we waiting for? Lets get started!

Step 1: Make This Shape With Cobble Stone

Step 2: Make It 3 Blocks High

Step 3: Add a Layer of Wooden Planks

Step 4: Make the Walls

Also put windows too!

Step 5: Roof

This step is kinda tricky.

All you have to do is zoom up the pictures and try to copy it.

Step 6: Door

Step 7: Floor and Stairs

Step 8: Balconies

This one is optional but I think it makes the mansion better

Step 9: Outside

Use sandstone as the path and you can put flowers too

Step 10: Decorate the Inside!!!!!

Make a bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, ect.

Check out my furniture instructables if you need help on this step!

Step 11: Done! :D

Hope you enjoyed this easy instructable! Make sure to leave a like and also comment what I should do next. Remember to follow because I hope I get 40 followers by May. Have a great day! :)