Introduction: MCPE Ping Pong Table

About: Hey Y'all. Thanks for checking my instructables out! :) Feel free to leave a comment, for any suggestions or what you think tHat I can do. I am into soccer, writing, penguins AND MATH. Bye!:-P
Sup! So, I've reached my goal for 30 followers and it's not even close to the end of April! As a reward, I made this easy peasy ping pong table that fits your own house! :) hope you enjoy!

Step 1: Make a Rectangle

Place green wool and white wool in the outer side.

Step 2: Place Your Trapdoors

Step 3: Place the Iron Fences Thing

Step 4: Optional- Make People

Step 5: Enjoy!!!!

Thanks for viewing! Leave a like and comment what I should do next. Also follow because I hope I get 40 followers somewhere in may!

Check out my other instructables!