Introduction: Earn More Bucks From Free Surveys : a Legal Way of Income

About: Imaculate Johnson is a Content Writer by profession. She is a seasonal writer at a copywriting firm since 2004, and has wrote many informative content for hundreds of clients and websites. She also manages var…
There is a notion deep in our minds that things do not come for free. This is not true; there are legitimate ways in which you can earn free gifts, that too without doing anything extraordinarily tiring. When you access internet and search for free gifts online a number of websites pop us claiming their way of giving you free stuff.

While most of them are fraudulent, some sites actually give you opportunity to win free gifts. You must be wondering why anyone would give something for free. The answer is simpler than you have anticipated, for promotion and their personal profit. Here are some reasons why companies offer free gifts.

1. Promotion:- Free gifts is a lucrative way to attract customers toward their products. While some give away free samples to promote their newly launched products, others do it for free reviews. Promoting product by giving away free samples make the product popular easily as more people get to know about the product. Companies expect free reviews from the customers so that they can make desirable changes according to customers’ expectations. The company on the other hand can save enormous amount of money that it pays to promotional agencies.

2. Benefiting the customers directly:- Companies spend a lot of their money in ad campaigns. Neither the company nor the customers get benefitted by this. Free gifts are a better way to benefit the customers and hence connect with them directly.

3. Enhancing profit with permanent customers:- Some well established companies give away free gifts to their permanent customers in order to consolidate their clients.

4. Goodwill:- There are occasions when renowned artists and programmers publish their work for free access. They want to make their work public to serve the masses.

5. Hint of good taste:- Software companies generally give the trial version of their software or games for free. This works as a fuel and people who like the trial go on to buy full subscription. There are chances of product failure at times but if successful it can reap huge profits for the company.

Three ways to bag free gifts online

1. Competition sites:- These sites give you opportunity to win free gifts by participating in online games. Free Competitions are the best way to earn while having fun and recreation. These competitions take less time to complete and are easy to participate. You become a pro after few competitions and increase your chances of winning free gifts.

2. Free directories, gateways and portals:- These sites contain commercial advertisements. Spending time on these pages fetches you money. All you have to bear is a large number of commercial advertisements. These sites can be entertaining as well, containing humor and gossips about your favorite superstars. The companies give away free gifts on making free email accounts and subscribing a service.

3. Online surveys:- Companies conduct online surveys in order to modify their products according to customers’ needs. All you have to do is take up a questionnaire and answer few questions. Companies save money from door step surveying and you can win exciting prizes.

Getting something for free is always good and when you win a mobile phone it is like a dream come true. You can win holiday packages, coupons, cups, toasters, fridge, laptop and the list goes on. Finding the right site for free gifts is a difficult task though. Take ample time to search because it is worth every second if you get the right website.

With an internet connection and desire you can easily win free stuff. For further information on free gifts please visit