Introduction: Easy Baked Taco Salad Shells

About: I am a Mad Scientist and IT gal with a passion for projects. I love figuring out puzzles, solving problems, and finding out new ways to get things done!
Ever wanted taco salad, but just didn't want to go to the store to get taco salad shells?

I have.  Especially because where I live there seems to be no taco salad shells ANYWHERE to be found.

Luckily, they are EASY PEASY to make!

Here's What You'll Need
Medium sized tortillas (this is a great recipe for those older tortillas laying around)
Cooking Spray
Muffin Tin!

Step 1: Preheat

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Place your muffin pan in the oven upside down for about 5 minutes, just long enough to warm up the pan.

Step 2: Make the Shells

Spray the bottom of your muffin pan and while it is still warm, gently press your tortillas into the areas between muffin wells.

You should have a flat square/diamond shape and creases where your tortilla bends between the wells.

Bake at 375 degrees for 5-8 minutes, until the tortilla is crispy and holds its shape.

Step 3: Fill Them Up!

Now you can use your delicious taco shells to make an AWESOME taco salad!

These things will hold quite a bit of delicious fillings, so pile them on high!

Queso, beef, lettuce, tomato, onion...the whole nine yards!

For more awesome recipes and fun projects, visit my blog, The Procrastibaker!