Introduction: Easy Changeable Mobile Phone Cover

Make easily a changeable/ removable mobile phone cover in just 5 simple steps.

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Step 1: Things That You'll Need

From left to right..

1. Tissue paper/ Toilet paper

2. Fevicol/ white adhesive

3. Scissors

4. A paint brush

5. Transparent thin sheet (like a polythene)

6. Mobile case cover

7. A bowl

Step 2: Getting Started..

Take your mobile case cover and wrap it with the transparent thin sheet with cellotape (so that it can be removed from it afterwards)

Step 3:

Take a bowl and mix water and fevicol/ white adhesive in 1:1 ratio. It is also called the "PVA glue". Stir and mix them together with the help of a paint brush.

Step 4: The Fun Part

Tear parts of the tissue paper/ toilet paper and put them on the mobile case cover with the PVA glue with the help of the paint brush.

Keep putting layers of the paper onto one another. And when you are satisfied that it is covered and will be strong enough.. Let it dry.

You can put upto 3 or 4 layers.

Step 5: The Creative Part

After the whole part is dried up.. It will look totally white and will be strong and solid.

Cut out the parts in it which are necessary for using your phone. Example: Camera hole, charging hole, earphones hole etc.

(I used a pink sketch to mark the cuttings here, its better to use a pencil for the markings to cut the parts or else it can get messy like this one)


Now go ahead and paint on it or draw your favorite things on the cover. ♥

And then you can totally brag about it. ☺

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