Introduction: Easy DIY PVC Fishing Rod Holder & Organizer for Storage
What we'll need: six T pieces of PVC, four corner pieces of PVC, ten foot long PVC pipe (we used 1.25" PVC pipe), PVC pipe glue, a saw
- Cut ten, four inch, pieces out of your ten foot PVC pipe
- Cut six, eight inch, pieces out of your PVC pipe (it will now be shorter than 10 feet)
- Organize all of your PVC pipe you now have pieced out in different shapes and sizes (including your connector pieces)
- Use your four inch PVC pipe pieces along with your T and corner connectors to create a rectangle. There will be two T pieces on two of the sides and one T piece on each of the other (shorter) sides. Face the empty how of the T piece up, as this is what will help hold your fishing rods
- Now that you know everything fits the way it should, feel free to glue this base rectangle together
- Place the eight inch PVC pieces into the top of the T connectors, glue them in, and you're ready to store your fishing rods and stay organized at the same time!!