Introduction: Easy Home Made Pizza

This pizza is so easy to make at home. I resisted doing it for years until a friend let me taste it. Now I make it as often as possible. Perfect for having guests. So I decided to try some extra toppings to see what was the most popular. I usually make just the cheese.

I am using prepared pizza dough; available in most stores. Flour for rolling the dough, Premixed pizza cheese mix, pizza sauce, artichoke hearts, fresh mushrooms (cremini), oregano, olive oil.

I am using a large size cookie sheet to bake it on.

Step 1: Prepare the Dough

Before you do anything, preheat the oven to 400.

I use a whole package of prepared pizza dough. Many stores have it either frozen or refrigerated. If frozen, let it stay in the refrigerator until thawed. Start out by placing a hand full of flour on a large cutting board. Spread it around and place the dough on the floured board. Turn the dough over in the flour a couple of times until it is not sticky. Let it sit for a while at room temperature. Start rolling the dough to shape. Prepare the cookie sheet by dripping some olive oil, about a tablespoon, spread it around the pan to prevent the pizza dough from sticking. Carefully , so as to not tear it, place the dough on the pan and continue shaping the dough to fit the entire pan. Yes, that is the cardboard center from a plastic food wrap. Clean it, let it dry, reuse it and when finished, recycle it.

Step 2: Prepare the Topping

Spread the pizza sauce evenly on the dough with a spoon. I used a little more than half the 14 oz. jar. Sprinkle the cheese evenly. I sliced some mushrooms, sautéed in butter and placed them on one end. On the other end I placed the drained artichoke hearts. Dust the pizza with oregano. Once all the toppings are on, sprinkle about 2 Tbsp. of olive oil over all.

Step 3: Bake

Place the cookie sheet in the oven you have preheated to 400f. Bake for 25 minutes. Check it after 20 minutes, if the crust is dark around the edges and bottom, it is done. Be careful not to over cook.

Use kitchen sheers to cut it into pieces if you don't have a pizza cutter.

The mushroom end was the winner of the evening.

Three pieces survived to go into the refrigerator, still great tasting for lunch the next day. Delicious!

Meat Free Meal Challenge

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Meat Free Meal Challenge