Quick Breads are so named because they don't involve yeast, and therefor don't require the time to rise that traditional breads do. "Easy Quick Breads" is a collection of awesome quick bread recipes from Instructables.com that are super easy to make. Learn how to make a variety of banana, pumpkin, zucchini, and even beer bread. All recipes are written by quick-bread experts and come with step-by-step pictures so you can get baking today!
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Quick Breads are so named because they don't involve yeast, and therefor don't require the time to rise that traditional breads do. "Easy Quick Breads" is a collection of awesome quick bread recipes from Instructables.com that are super easy to make. Learn how to make a variety of banana, pumpkin, zucchini, and even beer bread. All recipes are written by quick-bread experts and come with step-by-step pictures so you can get baking today!
Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. We provide easy publishing tools to enable passionate, creative people like you to share their most innovative projects, recipes, skills, and ideas. Instructables has over 40,000 projects covering all subjects, including crafts, art, electronics, kids, home improvement, pets, outdoors, reuse, bikes, cars, robotics, food, decorating, woodworking, costuming, games, and more. Check it out today!Sarah James
Editor, Food & Living