Introduction: Easy SpaceX Launch Pad

It is a pretty fun activity to do for young students and people who likes about space.


You need tape, white paper, a small paper knife, a pencil, colored reusable paper, and a scissors.

Step 1: Making the Tower

Use the sissors and cut the paper into 4 long stripes and tape them together to make a tower. Glue the tower on another piece of paper.

Step 2: Making the Building House

Use the white paper and the colored paper to make the building. Then, tape the building on the piece of paper.

Step 3: Making the Rocket

Tape the to rolls of the paper to form the 1st and the 2nd stage of the rocket. Then, tape the rocket on the paper.

Step 4: Making the Spacecraft

Use a little piece of paper to make the space craft which is crew dragon. Try to make the top as pointy as possible. Then tape it on the rocket.

Step 5: Making the Crew Access Arm

Cut the paper into 4 long stripes. Make it like a passage for walking. Tape it on the tower. Remember, the arm must can move around !

Step 6: Fineshed

Now your launch pad is fineshed. Enjoy playing with it

Step 7: Learning More

If you want to learn more about SpaceX, you can go to the website and learn more. The website is called