Introduction: Easy StarWars Lightsaber Earring W/ Tinkercad!

This is an easy to make 3D printed lightsaber design for Middle School students who can recreate and 3D print this design with minimal tools.


  • Superglue
  • 3D Printer
  • Patience (These prints may run for upto 3 hours )
  • Tinkercad Account

Step 1: Open Tinkercad

Go to and create an account!

Step 2: In the 3D Design Workspace, Start by Creating a Cylinder

Choose the Dimensions according to your liking! Try experimenting with lengths and widths. This will help you learn about scales!

Step 3: Add Another Small Cylinder on Top for the Handle

This cylinder will act as a handle on the design.

Step 4: Click on PARABOLOID and Create a Long Paraboloid on the Handle

Elongate the paraboloid using the small scale box!

Step 5: Create a Hole in the Handle for the Earring Hook

make another cylinder and place it horizontally, AND THE CLICK ON THE HOLE OPTION

Step 6: Export to STL File and Open Up in 3d Builder

Cut the design from the top to make it realistic according to the Star Wars series.

Jewelry Contest

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Jewelry Contest