Introduction: Easy Valentine's Day Gift Idea

About: Product Designer | Fond of reading | Loves to cook | A DIY enthusiast | A night owl

Show your loved ones how much you care by giving them a handmade gift this Valentine's Day!

I am going to show you make last minute valentines DIY gift, which you can make with items found at home.

Ok lets make this cute and super cheap gift :D

Step 1: Materials You Will Need

  • Chart Paper (Black)
  • Scissor
  • Glitter Pen (Golden)
  • Permanent marker pen (Red)
  • Glass Jar
  • Ribbon

Step 2: For the Jar

  • Here I have recycled an old glass jar. I have used an old jam bottle. You can either buy a glass jar or reuse like I did.

Step 3: Decorating the Glass Jar

  • Clean the glass jar and let it dry completely.
  • Using a red permanent marker pen make little hearts on the outer side of the jar as shown.

Step 4: For the Messages

  • First thing you need to do is to decide what messages you want in your jar. Mine are 'Reasons I love You'. Yours could be anything like 'Things To do This Year', 'Memories of Us' or whatever you want.
  • Note them down.
  • Cut your chart paper into small pieces and write down all the messages /reasons why you love that special person. You can print it on a paper if you want, but I would suggest you to write them down. :D

  • Roll and tie them with ribbon as shown in the picture.

  • Put a sticker on the top of the lid.

  • Put some glitters and place all the messages inside the jar and put the lid on. :D

  • Yaay! Its ready!