Introduction: Easy As 1-2-3 Betta Water Recipe:
No expert I claim to be, but the following recipe has proven effective for me. Wow, and that rhymes.
This guide is a step by step walk through for creating Betta fish friendly water that addresses the following:
1. De-chlorination (removing chlorine from tap water)
2. Bacteria/parasite growth prevention
3. Disease recovery & prevention
The goal of this guide is to save you time and cut past the superfluous clutter found elsewhere.
Shopping List:
STFI or visit your local Petsmart, PetCo or dare I say it... some Walmart's, carry API Aquarium Salt and Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner (substitutes for NovAqua ) If all else fails support the local economy and visit your friendly neighborhood aquarium store.
This guide is a step by step walk through for creating Betta fish friendly water that addresses the following:
1. De-chlorination (removing chlorine from tap water)
2. Bacteria/parasite growth prevention
3. Disease recovery & prevention
The goal of this guide is to save you time and cut past the superfluous clutter found elsewhere.
Shopping List:
- 1 empty 1 gallon container of drinking water
- NovAqua plus or NovAqua
- Aquarium Salt
- Aquari-Sol
STFI or visit your local Petsmart, PetCo or dare I say it... some Walmart's, carry API Aquarium Salt and Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner (substitutes for NovAqua ) If all else fails support the local economy and visit your friendly neighborhood aquarium store.
Step 1: Start With 1 Empty 1 Gallon Container of Drinking Water
Note: Use a water container that has only been used to store drinking water and nothing else.
Step 2: Add 2 Drops of NovAqua Plus Per Gallon of Water
- Removes Chlorine from tap water
- Detoxifies tap water
Step 3: Add 1/2 Tea Spoon of Aquarium Salt Per Gallon of Water
- Bacteria/parasite growth prevention
- Promotes disease recovery
- Prevents parasites and fungus
Step 4: Add 1 Drop of Aquari-Sol Per Gallon of Water
- Cure and preventative for Ick, closed fins, body fungus, velvet and other parasite infestations.
Step 5: Fill the Remainder of the Container With Tap Water.
Allow the water to reach room temperature before using. (about an hour)
- Make a few 1 gallon containers of pre-treated water and keep them near your betta (so they will be the same temperature) for easy water changes or if you need to top them off.
Step 6: Extra Credit:
If you feel like drinking out of the fire hose of information, here are some suggested web pages on the Internet's: