Introduction: Edible Candy Agate Slices!

About: I'm a lifetime crafter here to share my love of all things crafts and DIYs. I have a crafting blog ( and YouTube channel (

Trick your friends on April Fool's Day with this edible DIY! Learn how to make EDIBLE faux agate slices out of candy!

Download this FREE TEMPLATE to make it easy to shape your molds.

These faux agate slices look amazing and (most of them) taste great! You can make them in all sorts of colors and flavors and trick your friends into thinking your eating rocks and crystals!

Go to AB Crafty for more food craft and craft ideas.

Step 1: Download Agate Slice Mold Template

Download the free candy agate slice mold template. You will use this to help shape your molds.

Step 2: Watch Video!

Be careful not to mix too many colors or you'll make brown.