Introduction: Embroider Whatever You Like

Hello! I am a typical consumer of boring and dull things. When it comes to my socks, though, I like to be a little crafty. I hope this can be the easy-to-digest format of how I always enjoy a little flare to my wardrobe. I hope you can both see and respect my drip.

While modern sewing machines can embellish garments and products in a number of ways, you can achieve personalized effects when you embroider by hand. There is much to learn about hand-embroidery, but with practice comes mastery of technique.


1)embroidery floss

2)sewing needle

3)tiny scissors

4)table space

5)item you want to put embroidery on( in my case, a pair of socks)

6)a SMILE and a good playlist before you begin.

7)Maybe a snack too

8)Sip of your choice

Optional: Embroidery hoop

You will want to make sure the last two are taken seriously , because it can get a little pokey if you have to get up and down once you begin.

Step 1: What Is the Vision?

Choose an original design or Clip Art you would like to stitch and sketch on your fabric. Pencil or water-soluble pens work best.

I chose cherries here.

Step 2: Choose Color

  • Choose thread colors.
  • Embroidery floss works well, but any thread will work

Step 3: Thread

Thread needle. If you struggle with threading use needle threader.

Step 4: Fill Color

  • Stitch with fill color.
  • make sure you come up through the back of the fabric near your first stitch.

Step 5: Outline

Outline your design.

Step 6: Detail

Give it some details!

Step 7: New Duds. YOU DID IT

Enjoy your new personalized item! You can wear it in a boring traditional way, or you can give it to your best raccoon friend!