Introduction: Emergency Charge for Your Smartphone

About: Hi, My name is Luigi "Ludvic" for the friends, I really like the recycle, the technology and the Chemistry, another of my hobby is Videomaking and I love Youtube, You can check my project on LudvicT…

Hi makers

in this instructables i show how to make a simply emergency charge battery.

you need only few components:

-9 volt battery

-Key (or other metallic conductive object)

-charge battery

-the cable for your device

if you want, here you can see the video of this ible:

Step 1: Connect the Device

Use your cable for connect the device to your Car charger

Step 2: Use the Key

Use your Key to create a Bridge for your contact, in this case the Minus.

remember to NOT Confuse the two poles (+,-)

Step 3: Connect the Battery

Now you have finish

you only connect the battery and your smartphone begin to charge!

thank you for your attention
