Introduction: F.A.T. Stir Fry

About: I love making things for my family, and our home. I grew up in a very large family with a mom that could make the most out of what we had. I love trying to be creative, although it doesn't come easy to me. Bu…
That's right I said F.A.T. Stir fry, no not the fat that likes to hover around your midsection like in my picture above buy rather something that I've learned about myself over the years. F.A.T- FOOD ADDICT TRANSFORMATION. You see I LOVE food, I'm a FOOD ADDICT! I always have been, which was fine in High School when I was an All State Athlete, and was burning so many calories I could eat whatever I wanted. But then when the workouts stopped, the pounds began to add! January 2013 I was overweight, unhappy, unmotivated, and couldn't play with my children. I was tired of the life I had created for myself and worked hard to change my unhealthy habits. I still had to cook for my family, so I needed food that still tasted great but was healthy. I gathered as many recipes as I could, and learned how to make unhealthy meals into healthy ones. A year later and I've lost 50 lbs by creating healthier habits. This recipe is one of my favorites, and husband approved! Hope you add it to your list of recipes during your own personal transformation.

Step 1: Ingredients

Gather Ingredients- 1 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce, 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 1 pound flank steak cut into long strips, 1 Tbsp olive oil (I use olive oil for almost everything because it's a healthier option than butter), 3 scallions, 2 Tbsp garlic powder, 6 ounces snow peas, and 2 pints cherry tomatoes.

Step 2: Preparing Steak

In a medium bowl combine the ginger, and low sodium soy sauce (I use low sodium because its important to watch sodium intake, you retain water if you consume too much in a day). Then add the cut beef and coat well. Place olive oil in skillet and then place the beef in and brown the beef. After the beef is cooked place it on a plate and set aside.

Step 3: Preparing Veggies

Cut scallions into tiny pieces, and cut cherry tomatoes in half. To prepare the snows peas pinch one end and pull down the long side of it to remove the hard string running down its length.

Step 4:

Add the veggies (if you don't know what veggies are then contact me A.S.A.P) to the skillet, sprinkle the garlic powder over all the veggies, and cook until tender, and the tomatoes begin to collapse. Then return the beef to the skillet and heat through. You can serve with a side of brown rice or quinoa, like I did,(Quinoa is great if you need extra protein), and don't forget to grab your big glass of water to help keep your hydration levels in check too! (Divide your weight in half, and that is how many ounces of water you should be drinking each day!) If you are still reading my instructable then you are most likely serious about eating healthy or are trying to learn how to. Those are the people that I love to get to know! If you could use some help or are interested in helping others contact me. I'm now a Certified Personal Trainer, and run online fitness challenge groups. You can contact me at or right here on instructables. Have a great day, and keep fighting that food addiction!!! ;)