Introduction: FIRE Chest and Bicep Workout

Stretch thoroughly through your chest and arms. Don't over complicate this step. Get yourself some loud ass earbuds because you're going to need it.


You'll ned to head to your local gym and make shure they have the equipment in the following

Bench Press Machine

Anything thats 1 foot length thats can put you on an incline.

Adjustable Bench

Dumbbells ( In your weight)

Pec fly Machine

Experiment with a weight that you can do for 6-9 reps, 3 sets, 2 minute rest

Step 1: Bench Press Machine

Bench press machine:


Keep arms at a 45 degree angle so you prevent stress on shoulders and You can use your chest better in the workout. Push forward and squeeze at the top.

Step 2: Incline Press

Incline Press:

Grab anything that is anywhere from 6-12 inches tall and 1 foot width. Grab the sides with your thumbs on top. Have your elbows back and push up and drive you elbows in and squeeze at the top.

6-9 Reps

3 Sets

2 Minute Rest

Step 3: Inline Curls

Incline curls;

Adjust you Bench to 30 Degrees. Lay on the bench, let you arms fall beneath and curl straight up and squeeze at the top.

6-9 Reps

3 Sets

2 Minute Rest

Step 4: Zotman Curls

Zotman curls:

Zotman Curls will indeed get your biceps screaming for mercy if the Incline curls didn't. Your going to do you typical curl, when you at the top, turn your wrist 90 degrees and do a hammer curl. Keep elbows down, and squeeze at the top.

10-15 Reps

3 Sets

2 Minute Rest

Step 5: Pec Fly

Pec Fly:

Pec fly you want your arms straight out. Use you chest to bring in, not your arms. Squeeze in front of you.

6-9 Reps

3 Sets

2 Minute Rest

Step 6: FINISH

Im Impressed

You're Done!

Reward yourself with a protein shake.

Good Job!