Introduction: Face Painter Hand Mirror

About: I am a conceptual artist, and my DIY projects are mostly inspired by pop culture (movies, music, sports, TV). I mostly specialize in painting, graphic design, drawing, digital photography, performance art, and…

As a face painter, I always like to look for ways to spice up my face painting set-up. So, I decided to take a handheld mirror I found recently and turn it int a fun artsy masterpiece! This was inspired by Mark Montano's "Japanese Hand Mirror" project found in The Big Ass Book of Crafts.

Step 1: Materials

Here's what you'll need for this reflective transformation...

  • a hand mirror with a smooth flat back
  • a black & white copy of the words "Face Painter" saved on your computer
  • a piece of colorful scrapbook paper (you can also used colored or printed card stock as well)
  • hot glue gun
  • spray adhesive
  • sponge brush
  • Mod Podge or Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear
  • scissors
  • Optional: 1/2 yard (1/4" wide) of fuzzy trim for the outside; beads / rhinestones (a hot glue gun is listed if you plan on using those items); 1/2 yard of ribbon if you want to hang your mirror from the handle

Step 2: Print Out Images

First, print out 2 color copies, the words "Face Painter" for the back of the mirror and a small image for the handle (I used an image of a paintbrush). Make sure the "Face Painter" words will fit within the exact size of the mirror back.

Step 3: Apply the Images

Now, cut out the images and set them aside. Add a layer of spray adhesive to the back of your mirror and attach a piece of scrapbook paper. Let dry, then cut off the excess. Now, you can add the words "Face Painter" to the mirror back and your small image on the back of the handle. Once you're done and the glue is dry, apply about 2 coats of Mod Podge or Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear to seal the image and give it more dimension.

Step 4: Optional Decorations

You can even embellish your mirror by adding small beads or rhinestones to the back, and add a fuzzy trim around the outside edge for some fun texture! Here, I added a red fuzzy trim, and blue rhinestones to pop out against the pink zebra print paper. You can also tie on 1/2 yard of ribbon if you want to hang your mirror from its handle. I didn't do that part, but that's optional to you!

Step 5: See Your Reflection

Now, your face painting customers can really flaunt their faces in front of your newly renovated hand mirror!

Rainy Day Challenge

Participated in the
Rainy Day Challenge

Before and After Contest 2016

Participated in the
Before and After Contest 2016