Introduction: Fake K'nex Grenade

About: I'm a veteran to instructables, and have made some of my own on another account, Monkey T. Thanks for checking out my page!
Are you always making K'nex grenades and chucking them at your friends and family? Well, freak them out, and make them flinch, at nothing at all! This looks like a K'nex Grenade, but does not explode!

Step 1: What to Have

For this creation, you simply need 9 white pieces, and 6 rubber bands

Step 2: Putting It All Together

Now for building the grenade. Slide the white pieces into each other as shown, then continue to inster the pieces untill you've connected all the pieces

Step 3: Making the Fakeness

Time to make it a fake grenade. Take the rubber bands and wrap them around the entire body. WARNING: The white pieces often fall off, causing much frustration, don't give up though! Put on the first rubber band like shown below.

Step 4: Additions

Then, continue to add the rubber bands, one band per slot. When you complete one side, fill the other.

Step 5: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Wait, What The...?

Now you've completed the fake grenade. Sometimes when you drop it, it will crumple together, but most of the times, it'll just fake out your victim.