Introduction: Favourite Lighter Forever Hack

About: I've been making electronic music since I was 12, that was nearly 2 decade ago.. soundcloud / n01z
Keep your favourite lighter graphics to re-use after the lighter is empty.
Materials Needed:
1- Graphic BIC Lighter (empty)
1- Normal BIC Lighter (full)
1- Knife/blade

Step 1: Make Cuts

Use a sharp knife to cut a straight line around the circumference of the lighter (not too deep, just enough to cut through the plastic graphic sleeve) as close to the bottom/top of the lighter as possible.
TIP: Hold the blade still and rotate the lighter along the blade for a more straight cut.

Step 2: Remove Sleeve

Make sure to slide the graphic sleeve UPWARDS off of the lighter.
NOTE: The direction is important because of a slight taper in the BIC lighter design and you do not want to stretch the sleeve

Step 3: Re-install Graphic Sleeve

Now, take a new lighter and slide the graphic sleeve from the TOP of the lighter DOWNWARDS. Importance of direction covered in Step 2.
TIP: If the sleeve gets stretched or becomes loose on the new lighter, simply leave the warning sticker on a newly purchased lighter and it should hold.