Introduction: Fix BObi's Dock Sensor

About: Hi, I am bObi -the latest addition to the bObsweep family! My fiancé Bob and I, love to clean! We are obsessed with making your floors shiny and dust-free. Enjoy my instructables guides and feel free to come …

bObi uses radio signals to locate her charging station and can do so from very far distances. As long as the station is placed against a wall and has adequate space in front, bObi will travel from room to room until she finds it.

If bObi has trouble finding her docking station, there may be an issue with one of her sensors. But before you start opening your bObi, make sure to synchronize the two. Instructions on this are found in bObi's manual.

Once you've determined bObi could use a sensor repair, you're ready for step one of this guide.

Step 1: Remove BObi's Front Wheel

Before we get started, turn bObi OFF and flip her over onto a flat surface. Next, remove the dustbin.

Remove bObi’s front wheel to access one of the screws holding bObi together.

Grip the wheel and pull up, using the screwdriver for leverage.

Behind the wheel are two screws. There is a larger screw set deeper in the wheel compartment. Use the screwdriver to remove it. (Highlighted Blue)

Keep this screw and all others removed from bObi for later reassembly.

Step 2: Start Opening BObi

Remove bObi's dustbin. Then remove the screws on both sides of the dustbin. (Highlighted Green)

Then, remove the corner pieces that were held down by the screws.

Grip the main brushes and pull down to expose 2 screws on a red fastener. Remove them with the screwdriver. (Highlighted Yellow)

Step 3: Remove the Main Brushes

Pull the brush compartment up until it is freed from bObi. Then unplug it from bObi. (Highlighted Pink)

Uninstall all 4 screws located beneath the main brush compartment. (Highlighted Green)

Remove the two screws on the dustbin's red fastener. (Highlighted Yellow)

Then remove the dustbin's fastener and set it aside for reassembly.

bObi's cover is no longer secured, so hold the lid together while you carefully flip bObi onto her wheels.

Step 4: Disconnect the Cover Circuit Plugs

Detach the two circuit plugs connecting bObi's lid to the main board and the cover will be completely removed. (Both Highlighted Pink)

Step 5: Remove the Bumper

bObi’s bumper must be detached in order to access the head sensor bulb. Remove the four screws holding the bumper. (Highlighted Green)

Step 6: Disconnect the Cover Sensors

bObi’s head sensor is located underneath her cover circuit board. Remove all the circuit plugs by pinching the connectors and pulling straight up.

Step 7: Replace the Bumper

Then you can lift the sensor bulb out and place your new one in it’s space. (Highlighted Blue)

When finished, replace the bumper and align it with the screw posts on bObi. Then install all four screws.

Step 8: Replace the Cover Circuit Board

For a successful repair, you should also replace the circuit board on bObi's cover.

Remove the three screws holding it on bObi.

Step 9: Replace the Cover Circuit Board

Now you can lift the circuit board straight up and out of bObi.

Step 10: Install a New Circuit Board

If the head sensor amplifier pops out, hold bObi’s bumper up to easily replace it. Then, lay the new circuit board down, and install its 3 screws.

Step 11: Connect All the Circuit Plugs

Next, attach all the circuit plugs back correctly. The centre wall detection sensor plugs in to the top of the circuit board. (Highlighted Red)

The small red and black wired plug attaches to the right of that. (Highlighted Yellow)

The two obstacle sensors closest to the center of the bumper plug in at the top of the circuit board, closer to bObi’s front. The plugs for the outermost sensors connect in the spaces just beneath that. (Both Highlighted Pink)

The touch sensor circuit plugs attach in the bottom two spaces. (Highlighted Blue)

Step 12: Attach the Final Plug

Plug in the yellow wired connector and you’re ready to close bObi. (Highlighted Orange)

Step 13: Start Closing BObi

Attach the circuit plugs from bObi's cover back on to her main board.

The white-wired plug goes to the centre of the main board. (Highlighted Red)

The yellow-wired plug connects to the right side of the main board, closer to bObi's right wheel. (Highlighted Pink)

Lay down bObi's cover and line up the edges precisely. Then carefully flip bObi over onto a flat surface.

Step 14: Attach the Front Wheel

Re-install the front wheel's screw. (Highlighted Blue)

Place the front wheel on top and firmly push down to secure it on bObi.

Step 15: Secure the Cover Screws

Replace the dustbin's fastener on bObi and install its two screws. (Highlighted Green)

Next, install the 4 screws in the space beneath the brush compartment. (Highlighted Blue)

Step 16: Attach BObi's Main Brushes

Plug in the brush compartment. (Highlighted Yellow)

Place the small main brush fastener over the screw posts on bObi and reinstall its two screws. (Highlighted Green)

Position the brush compartment back in its original place.

Step 17: Finish Closing BObi

Now reinsert the corner pieces on both sides of the dustbin, with the arms of the brush attachment linked.(Highlighted Pink)

Make sure the rubber strip on bObi is not stuck under the brush compartment.

Then, install the 2 screws securing the corner pieces. (Highlighted Red)

Ensure the dustbin slides in easily before using bObi again.