Introduction: Fluffy 3d Paint

About: I am an Industrial Designer, who obviously loves to create. Now that I am a mom, most of my creations are inspired by my daughers. I believe that if more parents were making stuff with their kids, the world wo…

I make a lot of crafts with kids, and something that happens every time we paint is they always leave big blobs of paint that take forever to dry. Most times they aren't patient enough to wait and that fresh paint ruins their painting.

This is the perfect solution. With this paint they can leave all the blobs they want, it has a fun texture and their painting will be 3d.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials and Mix

Disposable dish

School glue

Shaving foam

Food coloring


Thick paper (watercolor paper)

Begin by mixing equal amounts of glue and shaving foam.
Separate that mix in different parts of the dish. Add some drops of food coloring. Mix until you have a uniform colour.

Step 2: Paint

Now the kids can enjoy painting with the fluffy paint. Once they're done, the paint will dry in a couple of hours.

Step 3: Now Let the Adults Have Fun

It´s so fun that even adults will enjoy painting with it. I folded a piece of cardstock in half, then I painted a heart. It´s such a cute card!

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017