Introduction: Fluffy Earphone Sleeve

About: I like sewing and crafts,and trying new things. I'm vegetarian and always looking for new recipes. My cat's name is Mirko and likes to be in the centre of things, so you will see him in several of my instruc…
A little while ago, I came across some knitted headphone sleeves that were posted on Craftster.  These were really cute but unfortunately I don't know how to knit.  I figured that there must be a way to do the same thing with crochet. I ended up using a simple chain stitch to make the sleeve and used some fluffy yarn to make it fun.

Step 1: Material:

  • fluffy yarn
  • crochet hook
  • earphones/headphones

Step 2: Slipknot

The earphone sleeve is made by chain stitching around the cable.  If you are new to crochet this is a really basic and easy to learn crochet stitch. I used regular yarn in Steps 2 and 3 to demonstrate since the fluffy yarn can be a bit distracting. To begin make a slip knot (form a loop and pull another loop through it with your hook -see image 1 and 2 below).

Step 3: Chainstitch

  • Hold the end of ear/headphone cable in front of the yarn and crochet hook. 
  • Bring the crochet hook across the front of the cable and yarn over (wrap yarn over your hook from back to front -see image 2).
  • Draw the yarn through the loop to make a new loop.  This is your first chain stitch. 
  • For the second stitch (image 3) bring the crochet hook behind the cable, yarn over and draw the yarn through the loop to make a new loop.
  • Continue on this way along the length of the cable, alternating the crochet hook moving in front for one stitch and in behind for the next stitch.

Step 4: Continue...

  • As you continue chain stitching along the length of the cable check that the yarn is spaced evenly and there are no gaps in the stitches.
  • Once you reach the point of the ear/headphones where the cable splits into two arms, continue chain stitching along one arm (image 3).
  • When you reach the end, cut the yarn and tie it off (image 4).
  • Start a new chain at the base of the second arm (image 5) and chain stitch to the end, cut the yarn and tie off.
Plug them in and enjoy!