Introduction: Fluffy Pi-ncakes!

About: Have a nice day!
This is a quick, healthy and filling Sunday breakfast! Mmm... it's so yummy! Mathematically accurate, it keeps me full for 3'1416... hours or so! ;3

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients!

One egg.
A few drops of vanilla extract.
Half a tablespoon of honey.
One ripe banana.
5 spoonfuls of oat flour (I made mine by processing 4 tablespoons of oats in the blender).

Step 2: Let's Get Into It!

Firstly: Mash your banana.
Secondly: Add your flour and your whisked egg.
Thirdly: Vanilla and honey to taste, I used 1/2 tbsp of honey.
Lastly: Pour 2 tbsp of the batter onto a frying pan which is slightly greased so it doesn't stick. Into medium- high heat. When you see the batter is bubbly, time to flip the pancake!

Step 3:

How fluffy and yummy it looks! Top it as desired. I went fancy and mathematical! Happy Pi Day!

Step 4:

Pi Day Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Pi Day Challenge 2016

Egg Contest 2016

Participated in the
Egg Contest 2016