Introduction: Foam Core RC Batmobile
I made a small model of the batmobile using foam core and a small, cheap RC car. I used the batmobile from the movies Batman (1989 film) and Batman Returns. The model basically sits on top of the $9 RC car I bought from Walmart and has flames made from construction paper that flow when the car is in motion.
For this project you will need these materials:
- Black Foam Core
- RC Car
- Hot glue
- Construction paper
Also you will need these tools:
- X-acto knife
- Hot glue gun
- Hot glue
- Ruler
- Compass (for close to perfect circles)
- Pencil
Step 1: Choosing Your Model
I chose the jet powered car because it was the easiest to construct in the four hour time period I had. I also thought it would be easily the most recognizable (image from this website). I didn't use precise measurements for scaling purposes, I just made a guess based on how it looks. You could theoretically do this with any model of the batmobile if you want to.
Step 2: Constructing the Jet Intake
I chose to start with the middle of the car and build outwards. I stated by using a compass to measure out a circle (about 2 inches in diameter) and cut it out of the foam core. I then cut two slits in the middle of the circle to attach the ledges to the body. Then I added a curved piece across the ledges by cutting halfway into the foam core and bending it around the top half of the circle. I glued each side to the ledges to keep them in place and so the jet could retain its shape. I added two front pieces that slope downwards by hot gluing them at an angle.
Step 3: Constructing the Cockpit and Fins
I next made the cockpit by using on long strip of foam core and cutting it halfway through into fours to bend it in to the shape. I then added a roof by tracing the shape I created after I glued it to the base. I added to strips to the top of the roof to make it look more like the scoop that is on top of the actual car. The wings I sketched out onto the foam core in pencil until I was satisfied with the shape and size. I cut one and traced it to ensure the wings were the same size. I glued them on both sides of the car right next to the cockpit. The fins really make it recognizable for people who see it.
Step 4: Constructing the Side Skirts and Wheels
I next focused on making this car complete. I used a table saw to cut out long strips of 3 inch foam core (in height) due to my time constraints, but a straight edge and X-Acto knife would work just as well. I added half circles for the wheel arches that were 2 inches in diameter. I then used a compass to draw and cut 4 just over 2 inch circles for wheels. I glued the side skirts on and attached the wheels and then added small squares to make it look like the wheels are bolted in place. The front part was a bit tricky. I had to measure out some triangles with a long piece at the end to wrap around the front of the car. I only made one and traced it for the other side.
Step 5: Adding the Flames
For adding the flames, I used yellow, orange, and red strips of construction paper cut at varying link and glued around an exhaust vent I made. The exhaust was made by cutting a long strip out of the foam core and cutting halfway through it and bending it into a circle. The rear was made from a rectangle bent in the middle and glued in place.
Step 6: Add the RC Car
I place the whole construction on top of a little RC car and used some foam core as spacing so it would lift just above the ground. I hot glued all this together and ran the antenna for the car out of the side. It preforms pretty well. It doesn't move too fast, although in the future I may make it faster. Other possible improvements include painting it and adding decals to make it look the like the one used in the movie.