Introduction: Free Food in Your Backyard

About: We love all things outdoors!

I do not know about you, but when I am hungry, I want food immediately! I want a nice, juicy grilled hamburger with all the toppings and I double up on them onions too. We Americans put so much reliance on our fridge and freezer that we fail to see any other foods found outside our kitchens and grocery stores. Just in your own backyard there is plenty of yummy foods. We often over look them and don't even recognize them. I want you to finds these plants and just give them a try. Some taste better than others, some taste good, and others taste nasty. In the event of a survival situation, you will now know your free backyard foods. The video above is about surviving on dandelions.

Note: This is based upon plants in the Midwest. Written by Blake Alma.

Step 1: Plantain Weed

Plantain weed, also known as white man's foot, is an edible weed that is fairly bitter. They are kinda like spinach. I would recommend boiling them before eating, to get out the bitter flavor. Plantain is rich in iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B.

Step 2: Dandelions

Dandelions are easily identified by their bright yellow flower or their fluffy seeds. Dandelions are edible and taste great. You can put them on sandwiches or eat them as is. The leaves also make great tea. Dandelions are rich in vitamin A and in vitamin B.

Step 3: Clovers

You are in luck, you can eat clovers! Clovers are easily identified by their 3 leaf pattern. they are also a symbol for luck. They are rich in protein, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and vitamins (C, A, E and B). They should be eaten boiled. If you eat them by the dozen raw, you may end up with a tummy ache.

Step 4: Mock Berries

Mock Berries are wild berries that can be eaten. They look similar to a strawberry, but is is not a real strawberry, hence its name. Their flavor is weak, but has a slight taste like of watermelon. They are full of vitamin E and iron.