Introduction: Freezer to Table in 20 Minutes - Salsa Chicken

If you are like most families that are on the run, this is a prefect dish to add to your weekly list. The best part is it only takes 20 minute from the freezer to the table. The only prep is to grab a pan and pull the ingredients off the shelf and out of the freezer. If you choose to use fresh chicken, the cook time is reduced to 12 to 15 minutes. Another reason to fall in love with this dish, is that it you can change the flavor profile by changing the salsa flavor. This is one of our family's favorites...

Here is what you will need:

  • Frozen Chicken
  • Salsa (choose your favorite)
  • Rice (90 second)
  • Pan
  • Heat

That's it... Enjoy!

Note: The step numbers in this instructable do not match the numbering in the video. The video does not list the prep as a step.

Step 1: Prep - 30 Seconds

  • Set a pan on the stove or hot plate and turn it up to medium.

  • Grab the frozen chicken from the freezer and your favorite salsa.

Step 2: Get Cooking

  • Add chicken and salsa to the pan.
  • Cover and bring it to a simmer.

The dish should be simmering by the 4 to 5 minute mark; if not increase the heat. Make sure you do not bring to a boil! You will run the risk of burning the salsa!!!

Step 3: Flip Out

OK... don't flip out, just flip the chicken over around the 10 to 12 minute mark.

Step 4: Time the Rice

    Time your rice to be done cooking around the 17 minute mark.

    If you use 90 second rice, throw it in the microwave around 15:30. Cooked rice will take longer, so make sure you allow enough time.

    Step 5: Check Your Chicken and Thicken Salsa

      • We recommend that you cut into the chicken around the 17 minute mark to ensure it is cooked through.
      • NO PINK!
      • Eating raw or under cooked chicken is very dangerous! Please do not skip this step.

        • If chicken is not cooked through:
          • Re-cover and simmer another 2 minutes.
          • Re-check.
      • Leave the cover off and continue to simmer. This will allow the excess water to evaporate and thicken the salsa.

      Step 6: Plating

      • At the 20 minute mark, you should be ready to plate your dish.
      • Cover plate with a thin bed of rice.
      • Add chicken on top of the rice and spoon salsa over the top.
      • Enjoy!

      Chef's note: If you want really thick salsa, you may need to simmer a couple minutes past the 20 minute mark... It's your preference.

      Step 7: Thank You!

      20-Minute Meals Challenge

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      20-Minute Meals Challenge