Introduction: Frozen Peanut Butter Buddies
Easy Frozen treats for your dog (but my husband likes them too)
Step 1: Ingredients
3 bananas
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup plain yogurt
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup plain yogurt
Step 2: Mash Bananas
in a medium size bowl mash bananas with a fork this will leave you with chunks of bananas
put bananas in a food processor for smooth bananas (you will get several more treats this way)
Note: bananas left on the counter will attract puppies (see pic # 2) my youngest dog helped himself.
put bananas in a food processor for smooth bananas (you will get several more treats this way)
Note: bananas left on the counter will attract puppies (see pic # 2) my youngest dog helped himself.
Step 3: Add
add peanut butter and yogurt to mashed bananas
mixture will be thick if you hand mash bananas and thinner if you blend them
mixture will be thick if you hand mash bananas and thinner if you blend them
Step 4: Freezer Trays
Fill silicone baking trays, ice cube trays, or egg cartons with banana mixture
Place in freezer until completely frozen
Place in freezer until completely frozen
Step 5: Storage
Remove from tray or carton
place in a zip lock freezer bag or an air tight container
store in freezer up to 3 months (they won't last that long)
NOTE: Make sure your dog isn't to hot when you give them frozen treats. The extreme change in temperature can cause muscle spasms in the throat and stomach!
place in a zip lock freezer bag or an air tight container
store in freezer up to 3 months (they won't last that long)
NOTE: Make sure your dog isn't to hot when you give them frozen treats. The extreme change in temperature can cause muscle spasms in the throat and stomach!