Introduction: GLYPH - Wireless Charging Dock for Devices

About: Hi, I’m Daniel Theurich, currently a sophomore at Mt. San Jacinto Community college.

I created "GLYPH" a wireless charging dock for electronic devices.

I created GLYPH in order to simplify the device charging process. With this product you do not have to worry about plugging and unplugging your device. All you have to do is set your phone down on the stand and it starts charging.


Software used:

  • Autodesk Fusion 360
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Blender
  • PrusaSlicer

Hardware used:

  • Makerbot Replicator 2 (3D printer)
  • Method X (3D printer)

Materials used:

Step 1: Concept


Step 2: Ideation Sketching

Step 3: Refining Sketches

Step 4: CAD Designing

Step 5: Physical Prototyping

Step 6: Prototyping Cont.

Step 7: Final Components

Step 8: Post Process + Assembly

Step 9: Finished Product

Thank you for viewing my project!

If you are interested in making this product yourself and you have any questions feel free to contact me.

GLYPH Charrging Dock - Final

Step 10:

Remake It - Autodesk Design & Make - Student Contest

This is an entry in the
Remake It - Autodesk Design & Make - Student Contest