Introduction: Galaxy Jar
To create a Galaxy Jar You will need,
1. Jar (any type as long as it has a lid)
2. Food coloring
3. Water
4. Cotton
5. Stick to mix
1. Jar (any type as long as it has a lid)
2. Food coloring
3. Water
4. Cotton
5. Stick to mix
Step 1: First Color
First add water. Then add the cotton to the jar. After add the color you life along with the glitter. Mix with the stick to make sure the water is absorbed by the cotton. Close the lid and shake.
Step 2: Repeat
Make sure there is no water left from the first color you chose. Then add cotton along with the water. Repeat the steps from first color. Dont forget to close lid and shake!
Step 3: Last Color
Repeat from the last steps. Dont forget to mix at the end!