Introduction: Garbage Board

The problem is cutting fruits, fats, or vegetables whenever you use a cutting board, you have unused pieces like roots or fats, that you can’t consume. Sometimes the garbage can is far from where you are standing and it will be a pain to grab the unused pieces and throw them away. So I made a board that will store your unused pieces in a board.


The things I used to design and construct for this Garbage board are:

  • Tinkercad

I use Tinkercad to create the 3D model of my design.

  • 3D Printer

I used it to print my design.

Step 1: Sign Up

Sign up or Log into Tinkercad.

Step 2: The Measurements

This is just a simple rectangle with measurements of 17 inches in length and 9 inches in width, and the thickness is 1/2 inch.

Step 3: Print

Upload your design into your 3D printer and make sure it has enough space for the Garbage Board to print fully. Or you can print it smaller if your 3D print is small.

Step 4: Finish

This is a smaller prototype of the Garbage Board. With this, you can put it next to your cutting board and when you cut a vegetable and have unused pieces like roots, etc, you can just swipe off the pieces of the cutting board onto the Garbage Board to store your unused pieces.