Introduction: Getting Started With the Particle Photon

Hello fellow makers! Today I will be showing you about a little tiny product that can pack a punch in IoT. Today we will be working with the Particle Photon.

Here are the specs:
Particle P0 WiFi module
Broadcom BCM43362 WiFi chip
STM32F205 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3
1MB flash
Soft AP setup
FCC/CE/IC certified
18 on board I/O pins
Let's get started!

Here's a short video about it:

Step 1: The Materials

The things you will need to get started are:
A Particle Photon
A breadboard
Micro USB
USB power supply
LED with resistor

Ok let's go

Step 2: Getting the Particle Ready for Connectivity

To get started plug the Particle in and download the particle app on your phone. Then make an account if you don't already have one. This will lead you to your dashboard. Click setup photon. (Excuse the koalanator)

Step 3: Connecting the Photon

To connect the Photon you click setup photon. Then this will lead you to a screen with instructions of how to do it. Make sure the onboard LED is blinking blue. Now click ready.
When it tells you to connect to the Photon go to settings and click the Photon's network. Once connected it will get you a notification telling you it has connected. Back in the app you should select your OWN network and enter the password. Once done configuring the Particle is now connected to the inter webs.

Step 4: Adding the LED

To start take the photon and put it into the breadboard. Take the positive pin of the LED and connect it to the GPIO pin you want. Then take the resistor and connect the negative leg to ground.(I used D0)

Step 5: Turning the LED Off and On

To control the LED go to the dashboard and click the Photon that you would like to control. It will open up and show you all the pins of the Particle. Click the GPIO connected to your LED and click digitalWrite. Now if you click the D0 or your pin it should send a request to your Particle to turn it on. In a few milliseconds it should turn on. If it doesn't work check your connections.

Step 6: Yay!

You have succeeded on turning an LED on via Internet. This is just the beginning of what you can do with this tiny little WiFi controller.