Introduction: Ghoulish Punch

This Punch gives adults a reason to celebrate Halloween.

I made the Punch using :

1 red wine (7.5dl)

1 small bottle Sprite

1/2 glass orange liquor

juice of 1 lemon

1/2glass raspberry sirup

2tsp cinnamon sirup

mix up all the liquids and refrigerate overnight

Step 1: The Hand

Take one latex/vinyl hand glove. Wash it thoroughly to remove any dirt or powder.

Fill it with cold water.

Not the open end of the glove. secure the closure by clipping it.

Place it flat on a plate. Place the plate horizontally in the freezer.


Remove the frozen hand.

Hold it short under running water to loosen the glove fron the ice. Cut open the glove carefully not harming the ice.

Step 2:

Pour the Chilled drink in the Punch bowl.

set the ice hand in the bowl.

it will float and give the whole display an erie look.

(TIP: I would advice making a couple of hand in the freezer, just in case the fingers break whilst peeling the glove there is a spare one ready)


Happy Halloween

Halloween Food Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Food Contest 2015