Introduction: Giant Pop Tart Prop

Making a giant Pop Tart!

You need:

-styrafoam sheet insulation
-liquid nails
-sanding/grating materials (or wire brushes)
-beige and pink paint
-colored Model Magic
-Elmer's Glue-All
-Xacto knife (for cutting the foam and icing)

Step 1: Finished Project

Step 2: 1st Step

After buying styrofoam insulation (and cutting it in 4 3x2 ft. pieces), prime the four pieces with a LIGHT coat of paint and glue them together with liquid nails. If you don't put the prime them, than the liquid nails will eat away the foam. After priming, let the paint dry completely (we used a fan)

Step 3: Sanding

When the priming paint dries, and the pieces are glued together, sand the poptart to shape the edges and corners with a grater/wire brushes and a vacuum (we highly recommend a shop vac. to pick up all the pieces).

Step 4: Painting

Paint the Pop tart with acrylic beige paint on both sides and let it dry. On the front, it's only necessary to paint the edges about 5'' in because you will cover the empty space with the icing.

Step 5: Icing

Get a roll of white craft foam and paint a 3x2 foot section pink. After it dries, paint it with Elmer's glue to give it a sheen. While the glue is drying, form sprinkles out of colored Model Magic and stick them onto the wet glue. After it's all dry and stuck together, cut the edges of the foam slightly so the edges are wavy. Then, use liquid nails to stick the icing to the semi-painted side of the Pop Tart body. Let it dry, and then enjoy your giant Pop Tart!