Introduction: Gluten Free Dump Cake

About: At the Eureka! Factory, we love making things, and thinking about things, and learning about things, and enjoy helping empower others to a curiosity driven life, too, so we can all live and learn in meaningful…

One of our kiddos has always been gluten intolerant, and while we never made any overt changes to the general household diet because of it - just taking a sort of no fuss, no muss, no bother attitude towards non-wheat meals (even wrote a book about it "Food Allergy Field Guide") - over time I've come to appreciate the value of removing wheat from my own diet as much as possible. Mostly this is because it trends me towards a healthier diet, and keeps my weight down, since it's less convenient to eat cookies and cake if you're not eating wheat.

Every now and then though, a nice baked good is, well, nice! Other than gluten free peanut butter cookies, this recipe for gluten free "dump cake" is about as easy, and tasty, as gluten free gets!

It's also really easy to do in a Dutch oven over a campfire, too!

Step 1: Ingredients

Preheat your oven to 350 degree and then assemble your ingredients.

Baking dish - I used a glass one

1 box Gluten Free Yellow Cake Mix - Betty Crocker's is among the most reasonably priced, at about $4/box

1 jar or can of fruit of your choice - peaches are wonderful, but so is pineapple or apple

1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter

1/3 cup Brown Sugar


Step 2: Dump Your Fruit

Open the jar or can and dump it in. I know, right?! Don't bother draining your canned fruit - you'll want the juice in there.

Step 3: Dump Your Cake Mix

That's it - dump your cake mix over the fruit, as evening as possible. Then spread more evenly with a fork or knife, tamping your mix down firmly into your fruit layer.

Step 4: Top With Butter Pats

Slice pats off your stick of butter and layer evenly along the top of your cake mix layer.

Step 5: Add Brown Sugar and Cinnamon

Use about a 1/3 cup of brown sugar and sprinkle evenly over the top of your butter layer. Sprinkle cinnamon as desired over the whole thing.

Step 6: Bake at 350 for 40 Min.

Bake and wait.

Step 7: Cool on a Rack

Remove your dump cake from the oven - you can test with toothpick or knife if you'd like. It should come out clean. Cool for about 10 -15 min..

Step 8: Serve and Enjoy!

You've essentially got a cobbler here, and a darn good one! Top with a little bit of ice cream and you've got a lovely dessert, gluten free or otherwise!


Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest

Camping Food Challenge

Participated in the
Camping Food Challenge

Baking Contest

Participated in the
Baking Contest