These days, if you don't exist with a selfie, something feels lacking. Now, so that our narcissistic and selfie sessions become more exciting and crowded, we can also add our own photo booth props. How to make it was not difficult, quite easy. By creating your own photo booth props, your photos will be even more fun. And this is how to make a photo booth props.

Step 1: Step 1 : the Material


  • Photo paper
  • Photo Prop images from the internet or you can make yourself with photoshop
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Skewers

Step 2: Step 2 : How to Make Your Own Photo Booth Props

1. search the internet for photo booth property images that we want to make then print them on a piece of white Photo paper. Note the size, too big is okay, not too small.

2. After the image has been printed, cut it using as neat scissors as possible

3. Stick the chopsticks on the back of Phooto paper that has been cut out. stick it on can use masking tape, glue gun, or Fox glue, just what is available.

Step 3: Step 3 : Take a Selfie

Own your photo booth property. Now, can we have fun while taking photos, selfies? wefie? no problem.