Introduction: Half Original Gift Box

About: Hello! my name is Ampontan Pokan. I'm Japanese but living in Canada now. LOVE creating variety of things with hands. Although I'm not good at using machines like computer, still very interested in what people…
A little while ago, I sent this gift box to cerebrate my best friend who just have a baby.
I found just painting on a randome empty box makes it looks little bit special.

Put something unique inside, wrap with paper, and surprise someone twice!

Step 1: Choose One Randome Box for Your Present

Since I often send gifts by mail, I usually keep a lot of nice-size boxes.
This time, I used hair dryer box.

Step 2: Paint the Box!

Use your imagination, and paint on the box picture with acril paint color.
If you use colorful paint, the boring picture looks more exciting.
You can also write massage on it. (don't even have to buy a card! lol)

Step 3: Dry Completely, and Finish!

Please dry a little bit more than you think before you wrap to avoid acril paint color stick with wrapping paper.

Because my best friend told me that she loved it, I was very happy and decided to up this Instructable. Cristmas season is comming very soon, I hope my gift box idea would help you.

Holiday Contest

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Holiday Contest