Introduction: Halloween Pumpkin Candel Attiny13

About: im Hessam. im work with Unity3D and 3d Modeling with Cinema 4D and 3d priner . i love Technology and Electronic.

Halloween Pumpkin Candel Attiny13

Step 1: What We Need

1x pcb

4x led SMD 5630

1x atiny13

1x Micro USB Female

3d printer

one arduino uno or nano or ... (have com port usb)

hot air soldering

solder paste

uv light for color pcb (Blauw UV SOLDEER PCB)

Step 2: Print Pcb

print pdf and Ironing the pcb

Step 3:

use Acid pcb and remove color print and then us color pcb(Blauw UV SOLDEER PCB) step by step

Step 4: Bootloader and Progeram Attiny13

Open the Arduino IDE.

Open the File > Preferences menu item.

Enter the following URL in Additional Boards Manager URLs:

follow next step

Step 5: Video Bootloader Attiny13 and Candel Code

Video Bootloader Attiny13 and Candel Code and progeram candel code in arduino IDE

Step 6: Solder

use Solder Paste

im use mechanic solder paste

and then use hot air soldering

Step 7: Print 3d File

print halloween Pumpkin candel this link

Step 8: End
