Introduction: Halloween Fun

About: I'm a nice Christian guy, And I'm like a mushroom. Why you ask? Because I'm a Fungi oops I mean a Fun guy.

I love making stuff for Halloween, It's just fun, I'm a Christian and a lot of people don't like Halloween because it's not a Godly Holiday. But for me it's just for Fun. If I dressed up like this any time in the year I would be a nut case and locked up. lol

1. Here are just a few things I made last year. Hot dog finger food.

2. Foot loaf I made with sausage and Meat loaf.

3. I carved a hand and arm out of a baked Ham. But when it was hanging over an open fire the fingers burned off. So I add sausage were the fingers were.

4. I make the Brain with a ball, rubber latex, bathroom cocking , paint and blood. Try to use a balloon but end up as a heart.

5. The Heart came out great. It was a mistake while I was making the brain. When you blow up a Balloon and paint it with rubber latex and paint & Blood. Then pop the balloon and it makes this great look. Add in some foam and some small rubber wholes and Bang you have a heart, And if you put under bloody water it will fill up and squeeze out of the tubes looks pretty real.

6 I made a mouth piece out of clay, then paint it with rubber latex. and then painted it

Step 1: Finger Food

1. Here are just a few things I made last year. Hot dog finger food.

Step 2: Feet Loaf

2. Foot loaf I made with sausage and Meat loaf.

Step 3: Hand Roast

3. I carved a hand and arm out of a baked Ham. But when it was hanging over an open fire the fingers burned off. So I add sausage were the fingers were.

Step 4: Brains

4. I make the Brain with a ball, rubber latex, bathroom cocking , paint and blood. Try to use a balloon but end up as a heart.

Step 5: My Heart

5. The Heart came out great. It was a mistake while I was making the brain. When you blow up a Balloon and paint it with rubber latex and paint & Blood. Then pop the balloon and it makes this great look. Add in some foam and some small rubber wholes and Bang you have a heart, And if you put under bloody water it will fill up and squeeze out of the tubes looks pretty real.

Step 6: Mouth Piece

6 I made a mouth piece out of clay, then paint it with rubber latex. and then painted it

Step 7: The End! Now Go Out and Have Fun

This is what we looked like last year