Introduction: Hammering: Natural Fabric Dye

About: An engineer, seamstress, cook, coder, and overall maker. Spent a summer at Instructables; got a degree in E: Neural Engineering at Olin College; made a microcontroller (; now thinking about climate c…
This is a really cool fabric dyeing technique that I learned when I was younger.
It's surprisingly simple: all you need is a hammer, some fabric, a flat surface, and some plants.
Well, and something to fix the dye helps.

Step 1: Lay Out Boards

Step 2: Cover Boards

Paper towels are a good material for this. This will help protect your surface from plant colors.

Step 3: Place Fabric on Boards

Step 4: Lay Out Plants

Ferns and green things work best.

Step 5: Tape Down Plants


Step 6: Carefully Flip Over the Fabric

Step 7: Hammer!

Step 8: Iron

Step 9: Flip Right Side Up and Remove Plant Gunk

Step 10: Fix Dye

Soak it in a salt bath!
I'm not actually sure how effective this is.

Step 11: Ta-da!